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Hop Sing Palace Restaurant (Folsom, CA)

Hop Sing Palace Restaurant (Folsom, CA)


Where can you take your friends and family to a place that’s been around forever and remains as popular as the day it opened? If you want to check out a restaurant that will fit that bill, head to Folsom's historic district to eat at Hop Sing Palace.

Folsom Dam and Hop Sing Palace

Hop Sing Palace Restaurant (Folsom, CA)

Folsom Dam's construction was completed in 1957, the same year that Folsom's oldest restaurant opened. At the time of opening, the restaurant’s owner, Ken Joeng, named it after the character Hop Sing in the then-popular show Bonanza. Hop Sing Palace is a popular eatery providing excellent food and a unique ambiance. While the restaurant’s facade in the historic building has recently been renovated, guests feel they've entered a different world once inside. White booths, along with the pink and black decor, grace the restaurant’s central area. What may seem like a small restaurant isn't tiny because of several adjacent rooms. I've eaten here more than once and feel like I'm occupying space in a 1950s movie set each time. All told, the restaurant seats 130 people in large and small groups.

A Dozen Soups and Spicy Sauces

While the overall menu has mostly stayed the same, Hop Sing Palace changes special items monthly based on what's popular. During the winter, at least a dozen kinds of soups are offered. In the summertime, the special will feature seafood, salads, and chow mein. But one thing that stays the same is that Hop Sing Palace offers high-quality food at very reasonable prices. That’s been the goal of the restaurant since opening its doors.

My Favorite Dish is Everyone's Favorite Dish

I love to eat out, and if I had to declare a favorite kind of food to enjoy while eating out, it'd be Chinese food. And one of my very favorite places to eat Chinese food is Hop Sing Palace. Given its longevity in the area, I’m not alone in loving this restaurant. It turns out I'm also not alone in declaring a favorite Chinese food dish. According to the latest data, General Tso's Chicken is America’s current favorite Chinese food dish! GrugHub spokesperson says that General Tso's Chicken is not only a favorite Chinese food dish but also among the top five most popular dishes on GrubHub, period! But what is this dish, exactly?

This sweet and spicy dish is actually a Chinese American and Chinese Canadian dish said to be associated with the Hunan cuisine of China. Most historians conclude this dish was invented in North America and question the tie between the dish and the 19th-century Zuo Zongtang (Tso Tsung-t'ang). While legend has it that the dish is named after this dynasty statesman from the Hunan Province, his descendants living there said they've never heard of the dish. Regardless of its origin, this spicy, salty, and marginally sweet chicken dish remains a favorite Chinese food year after year.

Hop Sing Palace Restaurant (Folsom, CA)

Soup For Every Soul

Eating at Hop Sing Palace means there's more than chicken soup for the soul. There are a dozen kinds of soup to choose from. There's no way to declare a favorite among them for me because every single one I've tasted is excellent. I'll list them here, but I can't promise the same selection will be there when you first visit. In order of alphabet rather than in order of favorites: Barbecued Pork Won Ton Soup, Beef Won Ton Soup, Chicken Won Ton Soup, Egg Flower Soup, Hop Sing Special Soup (which is diced chicken shrimp and winter melon), Hot and Sour, Sea Food Soup, Seaweed Soup, Sizzling Rice Soup, Combination Won Ton Soup, Wor Won Ton Soup. While I haven't tried each one myself, I've talked to people who have, and yet, I haven't encountered anyone that says there's been a bad one. One thing is for sure: trying each soup will be just one of many reasons you'll return to Hop Sing Palace repeatedly.

Green Valley Road Self Storage

Whether it's to find new places for you to eat for the first time or old places to eat that are new to you, at Green Valley Road Self Storage, we love to share information about the great things going on in our community as well as those in towns close to ours. We learn about these great places from members of our community, so please come by Green Valley Road Self Storage and tell us your favorite moving day treat. Historic Folsom is just a few minutes down the road from El Dorado Hills and provides a great way to treat yourself to a dinner out on a moving day. We look forward to seeing you!

Hop Sing Palace
805 Sutter St
Folsom, CA 95630
(916) 985-7309
Open seven days a week from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Green Valley Road Self Storage

2341 Hidden Acres Drive El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


Office Hours

9:00am - 5:00pm

Access Hours

Mon-Thu 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Fri-Sun 8:00 am - 9:00 pm