Whether you’re an empty nester, moving from a house to a small apartment because of the housing market, or are moving to a smaller place to be closer to your job, downsizing can be tricky. It can be stressful trying to fit furniture, home decor, clothes, and collectables in a smaller space than you’re used to. Some might say, “just throw everything you don’t need out”. But that’s much easier said than done. A lot of the things you’ve accumulated over the years have surely become items you love. So it’s natural that just throwing them away wouldn’t work for you.
So whether you are retiring or simply looking to simplify your life, self storage can be an integral part of downsizing, especially in expensive Pasadena, California. Here are a few tips to make the transition smooth and anxiety-free.
Take Inventory
Once you know the square feet of your new home it will be easier to map out what will be able to fit in your home, how you’re going to arrange everything, and what needs to be thrown out or put in storage. Make a list of items you can’t live without, items that you only use on occasion but don’t want to throw out or give away, and finally items you don’t ever use and can do without. It would also be smart to make a list of things that you could replace, like a smaller TV versus the giant flatscreen you currently own. As moving day draws closer go ahead and throw out (or donate) what you aren’t taking and start putting things in your storage unit like seasonal things.
Sell a Few Things
Throwing out items that are still in good condition is wasteful. But for the items that don’t make your “can’t live without” list, selling is a good option. Selling will give you a few extra bucks to use to buy smaller home items or to rent a self storage unit. Host a yard sell, head over to Craigslist or Offerup and start making money off of those oversized items and appliances. Plus, making money off your items will make it easier to part with them. Of course, donating is also a wonderful option too.
Find Purpose
When you’re downsizing in Pasadena, CA, you need to find a purpose for each item you decide to keep in your new home. Without a purpose that item is simply taking up extra room you don’t have. If you’re an empty nester that means it’s time to get rid of your children’s only bedroom sets, if you’re moving in with a roommate do inventory together so you don’t have more mixing bowls than you need or doubles of anything. You and your roommate or spouse both need to be on board with what you’re bringing, what is needed in your home, and which items take up less space.
Declutter Your New Pasadena Home
Mount your tv so you don’t have to use a big media center, use a storage bench instead of a coffee table, really anything that allows you to cut the clutter and save space. This also means using storage solutions that’ll keep your home clutter-free. Keep filing cabinets or important papers out your kitchen drawer and stash them in a self storage unit. Anything you aren’t willing to part with or that doesn’t exactly need to be in your home can be stored away. This is actually quite convenient because at most storage facilities you can access your unit whenever you need it.
Think Quality or Quantity
A great piece of furniture that stands out in a room says a lot more than a bunch of okay furniture piled into a room. Choose items or sell and buy items that will give the rooms in your home statement or provide multipurpose. Multipurpose items like end tables with drawers or storage options, bed frames with bottom drawers, or desks that can double as a work station and vanity.
Give Yourself Home Storage Options
Speaking of storage options, when you downsize you’re going to need as many storage options as possible. It’s one thing to rent a storage unit, but you’re still going to need to make extra room to store things in your home. Wall-mounted shelving, ottomans that open up, under-bed storage, and shoe shelves are all going to make your life a bit easier when it comes to putting things away and keep your home clutter free.
Be Ruthless Once You Do Move: Keep Your Pasadena Home Pristine
Now that you’ve actually moved into your smaller space in Pasadena, stay vigilant about keeping your home decluttered. Just because you’ve trimmed your possessions doesn’t mean you made more room for other things. Remember, it takes a lot of work to make a space look organized but not a lot of time for that very same space to become cluttered. Make sure anything you buy can be stored appropriately in your new home. Don’t buy something without really thinking about layout of your home and where that new item will go.
About the Author: Lark Begin is the president of Profit Parrot Marketing; an SEO marketing, content and social media company in the Ottawa area. Lark is well established in the realm of digital marketing and is dedicated to helping multiple professional local and international websites and brands grow an online presence and succeed.