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Tips for Moving in with Your Parents in Pasadena CA


Moving in with your parents isn’t always an easy thing to do, especially after having lived on your own in a dorm, or with roommate in an apartment. But when it comes to living in an expensive city like Pasadena, California and being financially strapped, moving in with your folks can help you in more ways than one. You get the best of both worlds: an amazing family home environment, and the ability to save your paycheck for future big ticket expenses like a down payment, student loans, or your first apartment.

According to a new Pew Research Center analysis of census data, “More young adults in the U.S. are living with their parents than at any time.”

But after living on your own and moving back in with your parents it’s easy to feel like you’re moving backwards - especially when you are trying to respect their home while doing your own thing as well. But given the fact that they have gotten used to being on their own without you as well, they’re doing a big favor by letting you move back in.

So in order to keep this arrangement a successful one we want to share a few tips on moving in with your parents (again). Just remember, don’t panic. Everything will be okay.

Meet With Your Parents Before You Move In

Let them know what your plans are, how long you’ll be staying, and what your days look like. It’s important to be honest with them. Ask them what their rules are and what bills they’d like you to cover - because you’re an adult now so should help them out as much as you can while you’re there. You should also inform them of that you may or may not come home some nights but will also let them know if that is the case. No matter how old you are you’re parents will worry if they don’t hear you come home in the middle of the night. 

Be Considerate of Their Rules

Yes you’re an adult. No, you don’t have to tell your parents you’re going somewhere every time you leave the house but you should. You don’t need their permission to stay out all night but at least let them know when you won’t be home for dinner or if you plan on crashing at a friends house for the night. That way they can plan accordingly or have a date night of their own. When you do come home try and be as quiet as possible. Don’t slam your doors or stomp around the house.

Do Chores...Without Them Having to Ask

Pick up after yourself, take out the garbage, and even help out with the yard work. You don’t have to keep your parents home spick and span 24/7 but at least help out around the house. If you notice a light bulb is out change it out, or if your parents need a few groceries offer to go for them. But most importantly, do it all before they ask you to.

Speaking Of - Pitch in for Groceries

When you go from two mouths to feed to three it can be costly. Even if you’re paying rent, but especially if you aren’t offer to help pay for groceries. If you happen to be a vegetarian but your parents aren’t then offer to buy the extra ingredients that you like to eat instead of making your parents accommodate for your eating habits.

Hang Out With Them

Being an adult and living with your parents can actually be interesting. It can be fun being able to talk to them in ways you haven’t been to before. Take time away from your schedule to watch a few shows with them during the week or chat together over a cup of coffee before work in the morning. It’s the little things that count.

Don’t Waste Time

If you’re out of a job then don’t spend your time Netflixing on your parent's couch when you should be job hunting. It’ll annoy your parents and cause tension in the home. Likewise, don’t waste time in the bathroom when you’re sharing with your parents or cooking an extravagant vegan dinner when your mom needs to use the kitchen.

Live With Less

So you’ve probably accumulated a lot of knickknacks, probably some furniture, and a lot of things you’ve come to love while you’ve been out of your parents home. But, when you decide to move in with them you can’t move all of those things in with you. Your parents have their own furniture and decor so consider storing your possessions in a self storage unit if you aren’t willing to sell them. Renting a self storage unit is a great way to keep your possessions shielded from the elements, and gives you peace of mind in knowing that your things are stored in a modern facility.  If you’re considering moving in with your parents in Pasadena, CA, Arroyo Parkway Self Storage is here to help with all of your self storage needs. We are your local, neighborhood self storage and love our community of Pasadena.

About the Author: Lark Begin is the president of Profit Parrot Marketing; an SEO marketing, content and social media company in the Ottawa area. Lark is well established in the realm of digital marketing and is dedicated to helping multiple professional local and international websites and brands grow an online presence and succeed.

Arroyo Parkway Self Storage

411 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena, CA 91105


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